Monday, September 12, 2005

On The Road Again

Fall Recruitment officially begins for me tomorrow at approximately 6:39 p.m. as I board an airplane headed for Pittsburgh, PA. Let me tell you, there is a whilrwind of emotion running through my mind consisting of both excitement and anxiety. It's hard to explain how something can be so invigorating and exciting and yet on the opposite end of the spectrum, it's so overwhelming and exhausting -- that generally sums up the emotions of a recruiter.

Recruiting.... yep, that's what I do during both the Fall and Spring terms. It's a wonderful opportunity to connect with prospects, colleagues and, yes, even get out of the office for a few days. However, I'm not sure some can grasp the amount of work that can go into a two, three, four or five day recruitment trip. First and foremost, it's finding the recruitment events and registering for them -- reserving a space and paying the fees. I then must purchase an airline ticket, reserve a rental car and hotel room(s), and then sit down to map out my great adventure. I arrive at my recruitment destination with so many bags that it almost seems inconceivable. I'm typically wearing a suit, heels and it's always necessary to splash on a bit of confidence. I enter the room practically demanding attention (insecurity gets you nowhere), and after setting up my booth -- well it's lots of smiles and friendly conversation. It is utterly invigorating, and yet frightfully exhausting. BUT, oh what a feeling!

I love my job and I'm truly blessed to have one with such diversity. So, tomorrow begins yet another chapter of recruitment for myself. I can assure you that there will be highs and lows, good times and bad. Regardless, the roads I travel will lead to new adventures within this world, that I often see as a classroom, in which I am making new friends and learning invaluable lessons.

"We may run, walk, stumble, drive or fly, but let us never lose sight of the reason for the journey, or miss a chance to see a rainbow on the way." -- Unknown

1 comment:

Jackie Bolen said...

Wow...that would be pretty exhausting having to have so much self-confidence for 5 days straight. I think it would kill me!